Thursday, June 16, 2011

Why the Establishment Rebel?

Since the election of Barrack Obama, my Facebook friends have been "treated" to me pontificating on political matters.  While I have blogged on various religious items (mainly over at Common Sense Catholicism), I've mainly kept the politics focused on FB.  I've decided this will change for various reasons (the reduced time I spend on FB being one of them.)

So now that I've launched a new blog, I have to think of that all important "theme."  What is the best way to describe my political views?  The theme will be what I believe to be a play on my character and ideology.

While hardly the conformist, it is impossible to doubt the importance of an establishment.  While railing against the establishment is what is cool, the reality is that one establishment seeks to replace another.  It is why I find populism such a fraud whoever may be proclaiming it, be they on the right or left.  You need an organization, you need the mechanics of that organization to work.  Most importantly, you need something to be a check on the wackos, or at least the more passionate devotees of your cause.  A self-righteous man with a cause is the most dangerous thing in the world if left unchecked. 

Yet if something is to be checked, it should not be elimianted.  Pushing to reform the way a party presents itself and handles matters is neccessary.  We conservatives fight for the Republican Party because, in the end, they are the only vehicle for success.  The Libertarian Party?  They are more about the duty of man to get high so he can "express his liberty" than serious governance.  While there was a time that Democrats had a place for conservatives (even if just nominally), that time has been dead for 50 years now.

If we have no other realistic options, we might as well make the most of it, and have some fun along the way.  If we have a seat at the table, why shouldn't we excercise it?  Heck, why shouldn't we try to make the whole damn table ours?  That is the balance we must strike.  We must strike to continually make the Republican Party more conservative, yet accept our limitations.

Those limitations are that the country will at times disagree with us, to say nothing of the establishment in our own party.  We won't win that battle overnight, yet we must make sure an incremental victory actually advances our agenda.  That will be the overarching idea behind this blog.  We can advance by leaps and bounds, or just inches depending on the situation, but we will advance.

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